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10 results found

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...receive any and all communication and/or notification related to the Online Store, to the address, contact telephone number and/or email address (“email”) indicated in the ordering process. At any time,...

Privacy Policy

...Contemporânea, before using the website. The user guarantees that he is of legal age and that the data communicated is true, accurate, complete and current, being responsible for any non-compliance....


...trans. Willard R. Trask, New York: Harcourt, Inc., 1959, p. 154. [12] Idem, Ibidem, p. 210. [13] Atlântico Expresso, No. 1872, Ponta Delgada: 30 May 2022 (pp. 8-9), p. 8....

Colectiva - E Aqui Há Tantos Arco-Íris

...Cocteau. Perguntavam-lhe: “Se a sua casa estivesse a arder, o que é que levaria? — O fogo”. SR: Isso é lindo! LC: E porque é que fotografaste o fogo? SR:...

This gray is water and air an incursion into the politics of materials and colours, of their uses and symbols. Her work deals with dyeing, methods, intuition, ancestry, botany, and ecology, and blurs the line...

Cosmografias, a história e outras cores

...Olson”, We Make Money Not Art, 2008(; Marisa Olson, “POSTINTERNET: Art After the Internet”, 2008(; Artie Vierkant, “The Image Object Post-Internet”, 2010( [2]Isabel Madureira Andrade, Indício. O signo que persiste.Tese...

Conversation Piece: 4 Settings todos os dias’ [Everyday route] (2010). But another work reinforces the duality of presence, under the title ‘Não sei onde estou (por favor fica comigo)’ [I do not know...

FÁTIMA MENDONÇA - Salão Caravela & URBANO - Biombos e Outras Janelas

...muito expressivos – A Casa dos Bolos, A Casa do Desarranjo, A Casa do Desassossego, Gosto muito da minha Casinha, Eu tenho medo: lá, lá, lá, lá, lá… ou Casa-Carrossel....


...2021 ____________ [1]Brice Marden, “Statements, Notes and Interviews (1963-81)”, Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art, A Sourcebook of Artists’Writings, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1996, p. 138....

Studio Monte Palace

...for their subject matter. Two pieces have particular relevance for Gussin. The first is ‘Hotel Palenque’, made by Robert Smithson in 1969/72, originally as a slide lecture for his students....